Saturday, December 22, 2012

Nationalism, nation’s economic life

By Shahab Sabahi – Energy and Environment for Development – Research Group

The twenty centuries was marked by the progressive process of the fusion of the nation’s fate with the fate of its globalized economic life; but the tendency of this century amid climate change and resource security is the growing contradiction between the nation and globalized economic life. In developed countries this contradiction has become intolerably acute.
The social tensions in national and regional level, like all the upheavals of history, stirred up various historical questions and in passing give the impulse to national-wide radical changes in the more economically stagnated nations. But these are only the belated echoes of an epoch that had already passed away. With emotional methods societies attempt to solve a problem of progressive historic development, the problem of organizing economic life over the entire arena which had been prepared by the uneven distribution of wealth and power.
Needless to say, the social unrest and regional conflict have not and will not find any solution to this uneven distribution problem. On the contrary, it atomizes the world regions even more. It deepens the interdependence of the developing regions to the developed ones at the same time that it deepens the antagonism between them. It gave the impetus to the independent development of the developing regions and simultaneously sharpened the dependence of the developed regions upon the developing regions’ markets. As the consequence of the ongoing upheavals, all the contradictions of the past are again aggravated.  Developing countries have improved their economies from top to bottom. They might effectively organize productive forces but inevitably it implies the reinvigorating of all those evils that had led to the social unrests in developing countries in the past.

The present crisis, which is synthesized all the capitalist crises of the past, signifies above all the crisis of national economic life in the global sphere. International organizations attempt to ease this contradiction by translating from the language of militarism into the language of diplomatic pacts the task which the war left unsolved in the twenty century. But the perpetual series of political, economic, financial, tariff, and monetary deregulations only unfolded the panorama of the bankruptcy of the prevailing global governance structure for deal with this contradictory.
How may the economic unity of the world be guaranteed, while preserving complete freedom of individual and cultural development to the peoples living there, in the context of scares resources? If an answer to this question may exist, it certainly is not by military and diplomatic methods. Toiling and thinking humanity proves incapable of grasping in time of pride of itself, when emotion blinds its eyes to recognize how to organize productive forces correctly on a community scale.

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