Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Post WWII and its legacy for the US economy

By Shahab Sabahi

Energy and Environment - Policy analysis research group

It is very much in the air that Reagan's economic performance was
astonishing. It is weird, although our brains are wired and evolved for
exploring reasons of every event; we have never asked ourselves "what legacy
did the post WWII, US presidents leave behind for Reagan?" In reality, the
hero who made American's heydays was not Mr. Reagan. Do you know WHY?

The US economy had long started to grow before, the Reagan administration
came to the office. Thanks to the great jobs and policies of the
predecessors of Reagan, employment, GDP and productivity hit record high.
For evidence, below is a chart that displays median family income in
constant dollars in the US since 1947 to 2009 (source:
http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/data/historical/families/index.html )

The income grew about 70 percent between the late 40s to the mid 70s. The
increase owed to high-tax, strong-union postwar generation, effective
foreign policy, productivity improvement and clear, free-party and
national-wide vision which set by REAL leadership.
The 80s, the US economy got flat however the US citizens enjoyed themselves
with more cash in packets (from previous generation) to spend rather saving.

YES Mr. Reagan did nothing but made fame.

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